There are two ways to run deployed agents: through the Finic dashboard or through an API request.

Finic dashboard

You can run agents manually from

API request

You can trigger your agents programatically with an API call. <Finic-API-Key> can be found in the Settings page of the dashboard. The <Agent-ID> is the unique identifier for your agent you set when you deployed it.

arguments accepts a JSON object and provides each key/value pair as an argument to the function wrapped by the finic.workflow_entrypoint decorator.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <Finic-API-Key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "agent_id": <Agent-ID>,
    "input": {
        "arg1": "example,
        "arg2": "example"

Coming soon: Trigger your agents with the Finic SDK.