Create a new project

Start by installing Finic.

pip install finicapi

This installs create-finic-app which creates a new python project with boilerplate for poetry, pydantic, and Finic. This example project uses Playwright to sign into this website and take a screenshot.

create-finic-app example-project

Edit and test locally

Running the project locally works the same as any other poetry project.

poetry instally
poetry run start

In order for the example automation to work, you’ll need to authenticate with credentials stored in a secret manager, deploy the agent, and pass in a user_id to retrieve credentials at runtime.

Deploy and run your agent

Run the following in your project directory:


The example agent is now deployed to Finic Cloud. You can sign in to the Finic dashboard to view it. Once deployed, the agent no longer uses secrets.json and inputs.json. Instead, secrets must be set in the Finic Secret Manager and inputs are specified when you trigger the agent.